Flying Colours Corp. renews Seletar interiors contract
The North American maintenance, repair, overhaul and completions business is attending this year’s ABACE having confirmed renewal of its agreement with Bombardier Business Aircraft’s Service Centre at Seletar Airport to provide interior services at the OEM’s Singapore facility.
The renewed relationship between the two Canadian companies confirms that Flying Colours will continue delivering the full-service interiors offering, including preliminary inspections, repair work, modifications and refurbishments, to complement Bombardier’s comprehensive line and heavy maintenance services.
With the ratification of the agreement, Flying Colours Corp. is now developing its own expansion strategy in order to best align with Bombardier’s growth in Asia. Initial plans include extending the workshop area, which will double the existing footprint, the addition of two more climate-controlled spray booths, and an increase in workforce capacity. With the new Bombardier facilities expected to be operational in 2020, Flying Colours Corp. is scheduling growth to meet the anticipated rise in demand at this time.
Business demand is also being stimulated by the rise of pre-owned purchases in the Asian market, which can result in the need for small repair projects through to complete interior overhauls.