— 22.07.24

In a world full of questionable customer service chatbots, Satcom Direct still provides the human touch.

If I’m about to do business with a company, then I want to talk to a human, not an automated computer program pretending to be one. I can count on the fingers of one hand the times a ‘conversation’ with a chatbot has resulted in the service I was actually requiring. Most of the time I’m, not even offered the correct options and with no customer service number as a backup, the whole process becomes one big frustration.

By utilising tech like artificial intelligence (AI), chatbots, and self-service portals, businesses are revolutionising their customer interactions while simultaneously cutting costs. In fact, it is projected that chatbots will become the primary customer service channel for one-third of organisations by 2027. However it’s currently 2023 and being able to talk to a happy, knowledgeable human being should be a given, not just in our industry, but in any reputable business.

Thankfully, Satcom Direct believes it is essential to strike the right balance between automation and human contact. Even though SD employs time-saving automation tools such as SD Pro and FlightDeck Freedom Automation that enhance accuracy, increase efficiency, and facilitate easier data analysis and reporting, many complex issues still require human intervention.

It can be extremely frustrating if you are unable to reach a human customer experience representative when technology falls short which is why Satcom’s support team is always globally available 24/7, 365 days a year. In fact, a streamlined customer service experience is at the top of its vision, and never leverages automation with regards to customer interactions, no matter the cost savings or how savvy AI enabled automation may become.

Satcom is as proud of its people as it is of its technology, making sure clients are as well served as they are connected.
