News — 19.07.24

Azzera adds SAF management module to CELESTE ahead of RefuelEU mandate.

Sustainability solutions provider Azzera has added an industry-first sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) management module to its CELESTE B2B Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform. The new SAF Inventory Management and Tracking functionality enables aircraft operators to effortlessly manage and track their SAF uplift and assess its contribution to emissions reduction and compliance markets.

The module is accessible via the CELESTE platform which, through intelligent systems, is redefining emissions management for aircraft operators and governments. With the SAF data stored in a single module, CELESTE users have increased visibility around their use of SAF. The new module tracks where SAF is purchased, how much is uplifted, fuel specifications, and which routes were flown. The system also facilitates SAF Book and Claim transactions for business aviation clients, aggregates SAF demand and provides SAF certificates directly to the operator on the platform interface.


In addition, the innovative CELESTE technology automatically retrieves data from flight scheduling software and categorises flights into their respective carbon compliance markets, including the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA), and regional emissions trading systems (ETS), including the EU ETS, UK ETS, and CH ETS, supporting efficiency in emissions management. The automated real-time calculations remove burdensome data handling tasks which reduces calculation errors and removes complexity for compliance manager

Emphasising the significance of mandates in Europe and the growing imperative of tracking emissions worldwide, Azzera founder and CEO Puja Mahajan says: “The European fleet leads the world in monitoring and reporting on emissions. With upcoming Refuel EU requirements, the ability to manage and report on SAF usage is critical. The sense of urgency to act against climate change is expanding beyond European borders. We have noted that increasingly operators worldwide are also voluntarily monitoring and mitigating their emissions.”


Beyond simplifying SAF management, CELESTE’s features address the challenges aircraft operators face in managing emissions and complying with regulatory frameworks. Critical tasks are automated precise, and secure, and the real-time data functionally empowers operators to stay ahead in a regulatory environment that is both dynamic and demanding. CELESTE also enables users to buy carbon credits through the digital platform which streamlines the management and mitigation of carbon emissions by providing access to a portfolio of high-impact projects, as well as facilitating access to over 12 million projects worldwide. All projects offered are assessed via the Azzera Impact Scoring System, which evaluates each project’s financial and tech achievements. The rating system enables operators to make informed choices and select carbon credits with full data transparency.

“Operators worldwide are also voluntarily monitoring and mitigating their emissions.”


Mahajan concludes: “We are committed to supporting the aviation industry in reaching its decarbonisation goals. Digital platforms like Azzera’s CELESTE are critical in supporting flight operations to meet both current and future emissions management and compensation needs effectively. By applying the smart technology of CELESTE with our advisory services we can help operators take proactive steps towards environmental responsibility. We are providing the tools the sector needs to reach a greener future.”
