— 25.04.22

An initiative to explore the technical performance and economic impacts of SAF on the Arrius 2R-powered Bell 505 has been announced by Bell Textron and Safran.

Both parties will evaluate engine performance on a dedicated Bell 505, using collected data to better assess the collateral benefits associated with the incorporation of SAF.

Bruno Bellanger, executive vice president, Programs, Safran Helicopter Engines said: “We strongly believe in SAF, as it contributes to significantly reducing CO2 emissions. As all our helicopter engines, the Arrius 2R, is already certified to operate on up to 50% SAF, and we are fully ready to assist all Bell 505 operators worldwide in their transition from conventional fossil fuels to SAF”.

With all its engine range already certified to operate on up to 50% SAF, Safran’s objective is to certify the use of 100% SAF.
