News — 15.07.24

Business aviation customers worldwide are now able to sign up for Rolls-Royce’s new SAFinity programme.

The flexible programme combines independently verified sustainability projects with a direct investment in Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), aiming to further support and accelerate the availability and use of SAF in the aviation industry.

“We are excited about leaving the pilot phase of our pioneering SAFinity service and opening it up to the wider market, commented Frank Moesta, Senior Vice President Strategy & Future Programmes, RollsRoyce. “We have worked hard over the last months to ensure a smooth customer experience, integrating STRIPE payment and making it as easy as possible for customers to fuel their journey to net zero.”

Rolls-Royce and Shell Aviation are working together on SAFinity to provide business aviation customers with cleaner energy solutions.

Jan Toschka, President, Shell Aviation, concluded: “Unlocking SAF demand in the business aviation segment can help bolster overall demand signals, so we’re pleased to continue our work with Rolls-Royce and the SAFinity programme into the commercial phase. Integrating Avelia, our blockchain SAF platform, into the SAFinity offering showcases how digital technology can support this customer group to support their investment into SAF regardless of geographical or scale limitations.’’
